VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)
convenient store (adj.) / convenience (noun) con- veen-nyunce
trust = know each other well
cultural gaps / cultural shock*
building trust = The trust is rising. Trust is a foundation of a relationship.
jump into things / look before you leap = to hurry into a situation without knowledge
liaison = the person who is a link between groups, in communication/business
You are the liaison between the factory and Japanese clients.
intermediary = middle person (man/woman) in the business
nonchalant (adjective) – to be casual – (not egotistical)
The woman was very classy and intelligent but had an air of nonchalance about her.
secrecy = the act of hiding something or keeping information
During the 1990s – around the time of 1995 – “during the 90s/80s”
- You can say Nineteen Nineties
- 19 – 90 s / by the decades
During the 1800s – the Industrial Revolution period
- Eighteen Hundreds / Eighteenth Century
to make a scene – to attract attention , make people look at
If there is a problem, then nobody cares to make a scene about it. Japanese ppl don’t make a scene.
to join forces with – to enter in a working relationship / to marry in a non-romantic sense/ for strategy , not just for military
We joined forces in business.
she doesn’t like / she struggles with learning history
The European history class is a struggle for her.
to sympathize= to care about
I care that she is struggling with learning History.
to emphasize – to place emphasis on something
UK food and culture= “fish and chips,” traditional UK bean soup and food
- The United Kingdom is the political region, including English, Welsh, Irish, and Scottish.
- The English Commonwealth is the big picture of English culture.
- Pay attention to the different local areas 🙂
a filet of fish – a piece of a big fish – fih ley
technologically (adverb)
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