VIP Class Notes (Karl – JJ)

Today we focused on:

Read Mrs. Patty is Batty! p. 1-3


left: 左边

right: 右边

Ex: Today, Karl is reading the book that is on his right side.

hate: 讨厌

Ex: AJ hates school.

truth: 真相

Ex: AJ has to tell the truth.

dismissal: 下课

Ex: Karl’s dismissal is at 3:45pm.

Halloween: 万圣节

costumes: 装扮

tomorrow: 明天

Ex: I have a programming class tomorrow.

programming: 编程

to kid: 开玩笑

Ex: Mrs. Patty was not kidding.

cobwebs: 蜘蛛网

skeletons: 骷髅

earrings: 耳环

secretary: 秘书

front office: 前台

mop: 拖地

Ex: At home, my grandmother always mops the floor.

remove: 拿走

programmer: 程序员

Ex: I think programmer is a cool job.

free at last: 终于解放了!

free: 免费的, 解放了

seat cushion: 坐垫


hate: H-eight (8)

truth: chu-th(ss)

dismissal: dis-mi-sal

costumes: kos-tuuuumez

skeletons: s开-了-腾s

secretary: 塞-kr-额-太-riii

programmer: pr-欧-grammer

cushion: 克-什