VIP Class Notes (Joe) [S]

Next Class Focus

Practice using the phrases ‘spend time’ and ‘take time’. Something takes time to do and someone spends time doing something.


Use comparatives with ‘er’ at the end to describe the way the market is changing and use the present continuous tense. Try to use sequencing words (first, secondly, last) to organize what you say.


First and foremost – the first thing you mention is the most important
First and foremost, the market is always changing

Mindset – the way of thinking
I have the correct mindset for this job

far removed from – very different from
The way people lived in the past is very different from the way they live today

In conclusion / In summation / To summarize
In conclusion, you must have a logical mindset to understand marketing


During – dew ring

Campaigns – cam pains

Commission – ko mi shin

Simpler – sim plir

Browse – to casually look through or read something

Scan – to carefully examine something for details


I have been working for 10 years in marketing field for 3 companies and 4 brands

We may faced with different tasks and objectives during our work
We may be faced with different tasks and objectives during our work
We may face different tasks and objectives during our work

The most important thing is how you think. Maybe a very logical way
The most important thing is a logical mindset

You can think it with a strong business sense
You can think about it with a strong business sense
You can consider it with a strong business sense