VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

If you don’t talk to him oftenly, no feelings.


If you don’t talk to him often, (…).


gloomy: 阴暗的

user friendly: 不好用,不方便用

advertising: 广告

commercial: 商业化的

slippery: 滑的

resurface: 重新出现

banter: 有质量,有笑点的对话

mature: 变成熟

Ex: Generally, girls mature before guys do.

Secret admirers: 仰慕者

Screenshot: 截图

turn off: 反感(情感方面的)

turned off: 感觉反感的

Ex: Stella felt turned off when she saw the screenshot that the guy posted.

Relatives: 亲戚

Sincere: 真诚的

Expat: people from foreign countries who have relocated to another country for work

Outgoing: 外向

Outstanding: 优秀