VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

Where do you go to work out? 你去哪里锻炼?

If there is a lot of chemistry between you and your friends…


work out: 锻炼

trainer: 教练

belly fat: 肚子上的肥肉

siblings: 兄弟姐妹

pursue: 追

astrology: 星座学

birth chart: 星盘

inauthentic: 不真实,不真诚 insincere

body coordination: 身体协调

posture: 姿态

Ex: Annie wants to improve her posture.

Injured: 受伤

Ex: It’s easy to get injured if you don’t warm up before working out.

toned: 紧实的(身材)

become invested emotionally: 走心


realistic —> REE-AH-listic