VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I will be on board on November 6th. I think the jet lag is okay. They want to add fans. Because you leave so early. Because now I’m very boring. The basic functions are not enough for the clients’ requirements.


I will be onboarding/starting on November 6th. I think the time difference is okay. Because you left so early. They want to get more followers and fans. Because now I am bored. The (…) clients’ needs.


scam: 诈骗

authentic: 真实

inauthentic: 不真实,不实在,假惺惺

air fryer: 空气炸锅

expectation vs. reality

meme: 搞笑的图文

photo editing app: 修图app


conformity: 统一化

to conform: 随大流,和别人一样

white-washed: 欧美化了

inside joke: 梗 (between two people or in a group of people)

storefront: 店面

bar code: 条形码

identical: 一样的 (things that look the same)

fake: 假


On board: 登机

Onboard: start a job


Watch an episode of “Very British Problems” 🙂