VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

Recently, I serviced for Starbucks. We need to help them express their stories to their users. If the taobao platform is beautiful than Jindong. Small business don’t have profession groups.

Most families begin to accept learning online. In animation, there are many process. You need a designer to create a main character and maybe have a designer to color. And there are some designer to add animations to the characters.

I have kept work out for one year. On workday, I usually go to gym on the morning. I think keep exercise, you can keep energy. In 2021, I want to improve my profession skills.


Recently, I worked for Starbucks/I worked on a project for Starbucks. We need to help them tell their stories to their users. If the Taobao platform is more sophisticated/user friendly than Jindong’s platform. Small businesses don’t have professional designers/teams of professional designers/in house designers.

Most families have begun to accept online education. There are many steps in the process of making animation. You need a designer to create a main character and maybe have another designer to color. And there are some other designers to add animations to the characters.

I have continued to work out for one year/ I have been working out for one year. On weekdays, I usually go to the gym in the morning. I think exercising keeps me energetic. In 2021, I want to improve my professional skills.


A is more _______ than B.

A is adjective + er than B.

Ex: My computer is faster than yours.

Ex: The Christmas Market this year is more crowded than last year’s.

Ex: My uncle is richer than my aunt.


repetitive: 重复性的

ongoing: 还在进行的,持续的

fulfilling: 有满足感,成就感

tier 3 cities: 三线城市

tier 4 cities: 四线城市

open-minded: 开明

user friendly: 好用

crowded: 拥挤的

perseverance: 毅力


Reflect on your year of 2020 and write about your goals for 2021.