VIP Class Notes (JJ)


therapist: 心理咨询师

therapy: 心理咨询

Ex: Many people go to therapy for personal problems they want to work on.

psychiatrist: 精神科医生

psychiatry: 精神科

psychologist: 心理医生

psychology: 心理学

depression: 抑郁症

anxiety: 焦虑症

placebo effect: 心理作用

Ex: The fact that my friend’s husband feels better because he was prescribed medication for his depression might be due to placebo effect.

commit suicide: 自杀

Ex: Jojo’s friend’s

affirm: 肯定

words of affirmation: 肯定他人的话语

kidnap: 绑架

flattened: 被拉平了

uncertain, unsure: 不确定

small joy, little joy: 小确幸

skeptical: 怀疑真实性

Ex: JJ feels skeptical about products that are overly cheap.

aroma: 气味, 香气

aromatic: 很香的 (香水)

smell: 气味

Speaking exercise

Suddenly, he fly to Lijiang.


Suddenly, he went/flew to Lijiang.


psychiatrist: SI-kia-trist

therapist: (th)SE-rah-pist


Reflect on your year in 2020 and write about your goals for 2021.