VIP Class Notes (JJ)


second tier cities: 二线城市

third tier cities: 三线城市

affordable: 可以支付的起, not expensive

specialty: 特产

wood: 木头

square: 正方形

wooden: 木头材质的

reaction: 反应

chaos: 混乱

chaotic: 混乱的

hair treatment: 护发滋养

caviar: 鱼子酱

barbershop: 男士发廊

hair salon: 女士发廊

to get a perm: 去烫个头发

manicure: 指甲彩绘

to get my nails done: 去做指甲

Ex: JJ got her nails done two weeks ago and it looks magnificent.

pedicure: 脚指甲彩绘


chaos —> K-奥s

chaotic —> K-奥tic


Write about your upcoming trip to Zhuhai and let’s talk about it in class next time 🙂