VIP Class Notes (JJ)


lizard: 蜥蜴

medium-sized: 中号

buried: 埋在___

Ex: Stella’s friend’s ladder is half buried in sand.

bedazzled: 五花八门,华丽的

sophisticated patterns: 精致的花纹

poisonous: 有毒的

possessive: 占有欲强的

engaged: 订婚的

emotional crisis: 情感上的突发情况

pretentious: 很装,装B

materialistic: 物质

shallow: 肤浅

complain to someone: 跟谁抱怨

Ex: Stella’s coworker is always complaining about her materialistic friend.

hypocrite: 表里不一的人

Ex: Stella’s coworker is a hypocrite

hypocritical: 表里不一的

initially: 本来

flaw: 缺点

thoughtful: 用心,细心的

reimbursed: 退钱的

Ex: Stella was initially going to hang out with her handsome friend instead of coming to JJ’s class.

catchy: 很容易使人抓到旋律,跟着唱

Ex: A lot of Taylor Swift’s songs are very catchy.