VIP Class Notes (JJ)


supply: 供应

demand: 需求

exhausting: 非常累的(描述一件事情)

Ex: Finding an apartment in Shanghai can be really exhausting.

exhausted: (描述人的)好累

Ex: I have been feeling exhausted this week.

tiring: 累的

tired: (描述人的)累

high quality: 高质量

shortcut: 走捷径

dignity: 尊严

mortgage: 贷款

property: 物业

Ex: Younger generations in Shanghai are more willing to buy property.

be tied to …:被拴在某个东西

Ex: Younger generations in Japan prefer to rent because then they are not tied to their property and can move anywhere for work.

real estate: 房地产

equal: 平等

risky: 很有危险,风险

state-owned companies: 国企公司

society: 社会

Speaking exercise

There’s a price to pay.

I’m very moody because I didn’t sleep well.