VIP Class Notes (JJ)


to bluff: 说大话,吹牛

renovate: 装修

Ex: Some people who live in quadrangle dwellings cannot renovate their own houses because they don’t own them.

property right: 财产权

ownership right: 产权

to own something: 拥有某个东西

Ex: Some people in Beijing can only live in quadrangle dwellings but don’t own their houses.

property: 财产

half a million: 50万

communist party: 共产党

chaos: 杂乱

chaotic: 非常杂乱,messy

sandstorm: 沙尘暴

mucus: 痰,鼻涕

be into something: 很喜欢某个东西

fortune: n. 福气

fortunate adj. 有福气的

unfortunate adj. 没福气的

unfortunately adv. 不幸的是。。。

Ex: Lots of foreigners are very into Chinese culture and history.

take things for granted: 觉得都是应该的

It takes a lot of skills to choose which family you will be born in.


renovate: RE-no-vate