VIP Class Notes (JJ)


Stuffy: 很闷

suffocating adj: 闷的喘不过气

to suffocate v.

chill: 轻松

sleeping bag: 睡袋

turnover rate: the rate at which a company loses its employees and hires new ones

attend to it: pay attention to something, to take the time to take care of something

new grads: people who just graduated from college

scenario: 情景, situation

desert: 沙漠

horseback riding: riding a horse

rough: 粗糙

smooth: 光滑

middle-aged: 中年的

ladder: 梯子

chore: 家务

do/wash dishes: 洗碗

check, tick: 打勾

Speaking exercise

In my opinion, my work is more chill than other companies. My leader asked me to work overtime. I usually work from 9am-8pm. When I went to other companies for apply, I found out there are a lot of sleeping bags in the empty space in the office. 

I was horseback riding and I saw a box which is made of wood. I opened it, I wanted to see water inside but I didn’t see water. But fortunately, I saw a piece of (saran wrap). In the past, I watched how to use it to (produce) water on video. Maybe I can do it. First, you have a dig a hole in the sand. You put a piece of saran wrap on the hole (to cover it). You have to wait a while, it produce water. It’s a medium sized box. According to the context, the wood is rough, maybe other explorers left it in the sand. 

I prefer camel, it’s a medium-sized camel. I would never go to sand for travelling, I want to try it and experience the feeling for trip in the desert but in the middle, I was very stressful and very tough, I think camel is a tool. I would prefer ride a camel. I see local farmers, I asked them for help, I gave him some money, they gave me middle-aged camel and he described how to ride a camel, how big the desert is. 


My boss/manager/supervisor (…) When I went to other companies for interviews, I found out that there were a lot of sleeping bags in the empty space in the office.

I wanted to find water inside but I didn’t find it. (…) In the past, I watched tutorials on how to produce water using saran wrap. I thought, maybe I can do it too. First (…). Then you put a piece of saran wrap over the hole to cover it. You have to wait a while for it to produce water.

(…) I have never travelled to deserts before so I wanted to try it and experience the feeling of being in the desert. But throughout this journey, I have felt very stressed and tired/exhausted. I think the camel/camels is a good tool. I would prefer to ride a camel. (…) they gave me a middle-aged camel and explained how to ride a camel and described how big the desert is.


Are you done (verb + ING) —> are you done doing something?

Ex: Are you done drawing?

Are you done done eating?

Are you done with (something) —> are you done using something?

Ex: Are you done with the calculator?

Are you done with the potatoes?