VIP Class Notes (JJ)


sauna: 桑拿

break out: 长痘痘

Ex: She broke out less after taking Chinese medicine.

blackhead: 黑头

collagen: 胶原蛋白

regenerate: 重生


antibiotics: 抗生素

heal: 修复

less is more

minimal: 简约的

shut down: 关门了/倒闭了

luxurious: 豪华的

renovation: 改装

gullible: 很容易相信别人

scam: 诈骗

good deals: 好的折扣


Ex: There is a lot of hype for 11.11.

Expiration date: 过期的日期

Expire: 过期 (verb)

to get one’s money’s worth: 钱花的值得

Ex: I really got my money’s worth with these boots I bought last year at on 11/11, I wore them a lot in the last few months.

original price:原价

host: 主持人