VIP Class Notes (JJ)


denim: 牛仔系列

tanktop: 背心

be good at bargaining: 很会讲价

test the water: 试试水温



firm: 态度口气很坚硬

put someone in the shoes of somebody else: 站在某个人的角度看问题

third wheel: 做电灯泡

Ex: My best friend has a boyfriend and I don’t want to third wheel.

meet up: 见面(约出来见面)

punctual: 准时的

go on a date/go on dates: 去约会

go all out: 豁出去了,全副武装

come up to someone: 跟某某搭讪

Ex: The other day, this guy came up to me at the bar and asked for my number.

intentions: motives 动机,用意

sixth sense

sleep around: 谁都睡

pad: 卫生巾

trash can: 垃圾桶


In my hometown,  if I buy a piece of clothing, if the seller says this clothes price is 100 rmb, maybe I will bargain to 60 rmb. But in Shanghai, I darely not to bargain to 60, maybe 80 or 90 rmb. However, I am in my biased perspective. But i need to stand in the seller’s perspective. I see my best friend one time every two months.


In my hometown, when I go to buy clothes/a piece of clothing or go shopping, if the seller says the price is 100 rmb, I will try to bargain and see if I can get/buy it for 60 rmb. But in Shanghai, I don’t dare to bargain this much, maybe 80-90 rmb. However, I am putting myself in the shoes of a buyer/customer. But I should/need to put myself in the shoes of the seller instead. I see my best friend once every two months.


once: 一次

twice: 两次

per day, week, month, year (单数的时间点)