VIP Class Notes (JJ)


ladder: 梯子

light something up: 点燃某个东西

bargain: 讨价还价

in front of someone: 在某个人的前面

Ex: In front of me is where JJ sits.

crocodile: 鳄鱼

hailing: 冰雹

opaque: 不是透明的

reptile: 蜥蜴

Speaking exercise

I saw a box, the material is, it’s made of white plastic. I hope it full of water, but it is full of oil. I thought it was dropped by a plane. They just dropped it. Night is coming. I fired it. After a while, there’s a guy that came to me, he wore red clothes and mask. He has a bottle of water, he sells it to me and I have no money. So I argued with him, finally I killed him and take the water.

An elephant suddenly happened in this place. He has long tooth, it’s curly. He’s not belong here. It’s 5 meters high, he shouted to me. He wants to conquer you. It’s an angry elephant. I run away.

It’s an endless ladder, you can go through the weather (the clouds), raining, sunshine, on the clouds, there is a kingdom. It’s in the center of a lake.

You can see it right in your front, you cannot touch it because it’s 海市蜃楼. In the lake, there’s a 鳄鱼. It’s a silent lake. But you don’t know where it is (the real lake). You can see the natural way, the birds, animals and the waves.

It’s storm, with icy… It lasts the whole night, the next day, it becomes a sea. It stops and at night it happens again.


I hope it’s filled with water, but it is filled with oil. I think it was dropped from an airplane/an airplane dropped it. The night is coming, I lit it up. (…) he wore red clothes and a mask. (…) He tried to sell it to me but I had no money. So I tried to bargain with him and finally I killed him and took the water.

An elephant suddenly appeared in this place. He has long and curly teeth. He didn’t belong here. He shouted/screamed/yelled at me. He wants to step on my back so I would surrender and become his slave. He is an angry elephant so I ran away.

(…) You can climb up and go through layers of clouds where you can experience the rain, the sunshine. On the clouds, there is a kingdom.

You can see it right in front of you, you cannot touch it because it’s not real. It’s only a vision. In the lake, there is a crocodile. It’s full of nature, you can see birds, animals around it and its waves.

It’s/there is a storm and it’s hailing. It lasts the whole night and the next day, it became a sea. It stops during the day and at night it happens again.


To belong —> do belong, did belong

Ex: The elephant doesn’t belong in the streets.

filled with —> when talking about containers, something you can count (ex: the box is filled with oil)

full of —> things you cannot count, general ideas (ex: He is full of shit)