VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I will go there for 2 weeks —> I will go there in two weeks

my previous leader —> my former manager

to work with familiar people —> to work with people you are already familiar with/you are close with

I have playing mahjong for 7 years old —> I have been playing mahjong since I was 7 years old

in the weekend —> on the weekend

minimum person —> minimum number of people required for each escape room


I’m close with her: 我跟她很熟

We are very close: 我们很熟

salary bump: 工资上涨 (significant salary increase)

Ex: Sarah got a big salary bump last week for her new position.

itinerary: 行程

touristic sites: 旅游景点

hostel: 民宿

vape: 电子烟 (She wants to quit vaping.)


location: 场地,场所

pathway: 路线

maze: 迷宫

task: 任务

chase: 追

Ex: The zombies will chase  you.

violent: 暴力的

tone it down: 降低level

Ex: In Shanghai, they toned it down.

carry on the shoulder

horror: 恐怖

special effects: 特效

safe: 保险箱

press: 按

success rate: 成功率

identity: 身份

president of the class: 班长

costumes: 装扮

thrill: 刺激

Ex: Sarah likes the thrill she gets from going to escape rooms.

roller coaster: 过山车

adrenaline junkie: 肾上腺素迷

adrenaline: 肾上腺素

junkie: 迷(fan)

high rating: 高评价

insane: 疯的

immersive: 沉浸式的

science fiction (sci-fi): 科幻的

main character: 主角


I have been _(verb +ing)_ for _(duration)_.

Ex: I have been playing mahjong for 20 years.

I have been smoking for eight years.

I have been _(verb +ing)_since _(time)_.

Ex: I have been smoking since I was 18.


escape room: scape room

living: liiii-ving

insane: in-sA-ne