VIP Class Notes (JJ)


Artsy: 文艺青年

Go all out: 豁出去,搞的很大

Smudged: 晕染 (referring to makeup)

Chubby: 圆润的小胖 (微胖,带着可爱)

Fatty: 胖的油腻

Obese: 过度肥胖

Overweight: 体重超过标准

Approachable: 好接近

heavy/light rain or precipitation

guarded: 有戒备,防人心很重

foggy: 很多雾

deer: 羚羊

bunny: 小兔子

accurate: 准确

tarot reader: 塔罗牌读者

Speaking exercise

(…) Very big green box, it’s very different from the desert. There is a forest inside the box, I can drink water, I can walk in and walk out (of the box). The box is open. I can swim, there are some birds, lots of fruits.

It would be a panda, it’s very furry, a little bit fatty. Had big black eyes, the skin is very white, you can touch him and you can have a very cozy time with him.

It has the same height of the box, I can use it to go up the box, when you go up, you can see the whole view of the desert. It is inside the box.

There is a very peaceful river inside the box, it’s running, there is a little bit fish.

Small rain, it’s very gentle, you cannot hear the sound, for a very short period of time.


(…) It doesn’t seem to belong in the desert, it stands out. There is a forest inside the box, I can drink water in this forest and I can walk in and out of the box. The box is open, I can in swim in the box, there are some birds and lots of fruits.

It would be a panda. It’s very furry and a little chubby. He has big black eyes and his skin is very white. You can touch him and you can get in close contact with him. He is very approachable and gentle.

(…) There are a few fishies.

It only lasts a very short period of time/a few minutes.

It has the same height as the box.

light rain/precipitation


(Something) has the same _____ as (something else).

Ex: Ana has the same age as Barbara.

JJ has the same phone as me.


height: HI-te

walk (think about TALK) vs. work