VIP Class Notes (JJ)


morning person: 白天效率比较高的人

night owl: 夜猫子

owl: 猫头鹰

socially awkward: 社交能力不行的人

Ex: My coworker is a little bit socially awkward but she is a very nice person.

Goldman Sachs: 高盛

lease: 租房合同

agent: 人员

leasing agent: 租房中介

Ex: My leasing agent helped me find housing.

I have a brunch (both Saturday and Sunday). I walked around in the shopping mall.

brunch: 早午餐

walk around: 闲逛

around dinnertime: 晚餐时间

monitor: 显示屏

speaker: 音响

flavor: 口味

Ex: What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

vanilla: 香草

strawberry: 草莓

straw: 吸管

berry: 莓子

plum: 梅子

red wine: 红酒

white wine: 白(葡萄)酒

grapes: 葡萄

plum wine: 梅酒

rice wine: 米酒

sparkling wine: 起泡酒

sparkling water: 起泡水

license plate: 车牌

driver’s license: 驾照

license: 执照

Canadian: 加拿大人,加拿大的

exactly: 没错

traffic: 堵车

Ex: On the weekends, there’s a lot of traffic downtown.

traffic lights

bad habit

road rage: 路怒

fine: 罚款

stay away from your phone.