VIP Class Notes (JJ)


to feel relieved: 感觉放心的

to go bad: 变质了

Ex: Annie’s bubble tea went bad because she left it in the shade for too long.

let me just pass the time: 就让我虚度光阴

I don’t have any preference: 我没有任何偏向

school cafeteria: 学校饭堂

toppings: 配料

red bean paste: 红豆泥

almond: 杏仁

whole almonds: 整颗杏仁

dried fruit: 果脯

Longan: 龙眼

lean meat: 瘦肉

beef: 牛肉

chicken: 鸡肉

dipping sauce: 蘸料

congee: 稀饭

cilantro: 香菜

garlic: 蒜

Ex: The garlic smell is too strong.

onion: 洋葱

dragon fruit: 火龙果

seed: 籽

seedless watermelon: 无籽西瓜

kiwi skin: 猕猴桃皮

mashed potatoes: 土豆泥

carb: 淀粉

kiwi: 猕猴桃

egg tart: 蛋挞

discount: 优惠


relatives: RE-latives