VIP Class Notes (JJ)


one batch

make a bet: 打个赌

when you are flirting with each other

mutual: 双方的

carbs: 淀粉

plain: 平的,淡得

opposites attract: 相反的会吸引对方

insecure: 没有安全感的

social butterfly: 社交王

initiate: 先出手

Ex: You shouldn’t be the one to always initiate the conversation.

resist the temptation: 经得起考验,诱惑

Ex: I will resist the temptation to text him.

vaping: 电子烟

hold your alcohol/liquor: 酒量好

get to know someone: 了解某个人

Speaking exercise

when you first know this guy —> when you first meet a guy/when you first try to get to know a guy