VIP Class Notes (JJ)


industrialization: in-dus-truuh-lie-zation

casual: kah-Jual

awkward: Ohq-ward

word: wurd

world: wurLd (make it longer)

hangry: hannn-gry (think of “hang out”, “hand”)

hungry: hunn-gry (think of “humming”)

embarrassed: em-BAH-rassd (rust)

Speaking exercise

the usual mistake I do … —> the usual mistake I make is…/the mistake I usually make is…

I’m not able to make it true —> I’m not able to make it come true

past time —> last time

former colleague of me —> former colleague of mine/yours/his/hers

the translation was not well done

she listened me —> she listened to me


make mistakes

make cakes

make breakfast, lunch, dinner

make plans

make a wish come true

my bad: sorry about that

I’m sorry, this is my fault: more serious, severe consequences

hangry: angry because you are hungry (angry and hungry)

angry: (someone who’s not necessarily hungry)

hang out: spend time together

humming: when someone is not really singing but producing the melody of a song

reconcile (verb) for reconciliation

dual citizenship

written exam

hear someone

listen to someone