VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

as much complex as the one in l’Oreal —> as complex as the one in l’Oreal

I don’t regret left Sephora —> I don’t regret leaving Sephora/I don’t regret having left Sephora


outlier: something that’s very different from others, that doesn’t belong to the group, odd one out

fascinated by: amazed, very interested

unlikely to happen

she can read people well: 她看人很准

nosy: 管闲事的

clique: 小帮派

to have beef with someone

Ex: She has a lot of beef with every function.

to provoke someone: 刺激,激怒某人

provocative: 有刺激性的, 挑衅的

Ex: The coworker that no one likes was very provocative.

resilient: flexible

coward: 诺夫

endure: 忍受,坚持

meddler: 搞事情的人

attention-seeking: someone who’s always looking for attention

rivals: 对立者

intimidated: scared, threatened

Ex: Everyone felt intimidated by the senior manager that no one likes.

treat me dinner

abusive: someone who PUAs others

sarcastic: 讽刺的

I was just stating facts

to take one for the team: 为团队做了件大好事,有点牺牲自我

Ex: When I knew I was going to leave the company, I decided to confront Anita and I took one for the team.

you are good at imitating the accent

you do the accent really well

It’s very easy to be lead by the Northern accent

organise my notes, my thoughts