VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

It makes them slow —> it slows them down


power: 能量

collect: 收集

Ex: You collect different types of sunshine and you can grow some plants.

type: 种类

squash: 窝瓜

bullet: 子弹

Ex: You can shoot pea bullets to kill the zombies.

nut: 坚果

hard: 坚硬的

Ex: The nut shell is very hard so when zombies are eating them you can easily shoot them.

water lily: 睡莲

defense: 防御

offense: 攻击

iron: 铁

bucket: 桶

opening of the game: 开局

start over: 重来

they go at different pace: 他们每个人行动的速度不一样

pace: 速度

area: 地区,范围

Ex:The area that can be bombed by the potato is 3×3.

one stone, two birds: 一石二鸟

piranha flower: 食人花

flaw: 缺点

weakness: 弱点

Ex: One weakness of the piranha flower is if it eats one zombie, it has to chew on it for a longtime and zombies can eat the flower too at the same time.

image: 画面

pay off: 付出很值得

Ex:All the time spent planting potatoes paid off because Technoblade became number 1.

cyber bullying: 网上霸凌


Review the vocabulary learned today.