VIP Class Notes (JJ)


plate: 盘子

A plate of food: 一盘菜

scenario: 场景

cardboard box: 纸盒子

cube: 正方体 (3D)

square: 正方形 (2D)

lid: 盖子

Ex: the lid on the box

to keep something in place: 固定某个东西

not poisonous: 无毒的

poisonous: 有毒的

phenomenon: 现象

as far as you can see: 肉眼可见的,最远距离

material: 材质

ladder: 梯子

silver: 银色

wooden: 木头制的

wobble: 晃的 v.

Ex: JJ’s old ladder wobbles a lot.

wobbly: 摇晃的 adj.

Ex: The chair he is sitting on is very wobbly, he can fall any minute.


running water: 活水

distant: 有距离感的,不好接近的

Ex: That guy in our class is always very distant, he doesn’t talk to anyone.


consequence: 康-see-quence

phenomenon: fe-nom-门-none

ladder: 拉-derrrrrr

metal: medal (很像的发音)

oasis: 哦-A-sis

dessert: 底-zert (甜点)

desert: 呆-zert