VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

five to five —> half half


artificial: 人造的

to flood: 淹没,淹水

residential area: 住宅区

old factory: 老的工厂

cargo box: 集装箱

entertainment district: 娱乐区域

locals: 当地人

condo: 豪华公寓

low-rise: 低层的楼

Ex: There are lots of low-rise condos in Lingang.

mid-rise: 中层的楼

high-rise: 高层的楼

Ex: There are lots of high-rise buildings in Jing An.

boarding school: 住宿学校

license plate: 车牌照

highway: 高架

bunk bed: 上下铺床

drop out: 退学

democracy: 民主主义

monthly salary: 月薪

benefits: 福利

rotate: 轮流


residential: re-zi-dent-show