VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

little rain —> light rain

he performed really well —> he behaved/he behaved well

he cannot wear clothes for himself —> he cannot put on clothes for himself (remove clothes, take off clothes for himself)


when the rainstorm was at its heaviest

precipitation: 降水量

internet slang: 网络说词

verified account: 实名认证的账户(名人)

desperate: 绝望的

criticise: 批评

sky bridge: 天桥

to be in denial: 拒绝接受现实

mat: 垫子

peonies: 牡丹花


salted duck eggs

nutrients: 营养

frozen: 冷冻的

cavity: 蛀牙

loungewear: 居家服

lounging slippers: 居家拖鞋

shower slippers: 洗澡拖鞋

vacuum: 吸尘器

handkerchief: 手帕

hygienic: 卫生的