VIP Class Notes (JJ)


underdog: those who are not as strong and don’t get as much support

arrogant: 高傲自大的

awkwardly: 尴尬的

Ex: He laughed awkwardly.

vent to someone: 跟某人吐槽

Ex: After class, I vented to Julia about the horrible class I had.

to brainwash someone: 给某人洗脑

to put someone on the spot: 让某人很尴尬

to misunderstand someone: 误解

sophisticated: 高级的,优雅的

low class: 低级的

sexist: 歧视某个性别的 (mostly men towards women)

gentle: 温和的

itinerary: 行程

Grand Canyon: 大峡谷

access information: 接触讯息

slide: 游乐园的项目

Speaking exercise

he wants to wash my brain —> he wants to brainwash me

we can touch a lot of information online —> we can access a lot of information online

we played a lot of things —> we did a lot of slides


Write a sentence using every new word and expression we learned today :).