VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

in the end of this month —> at the end of this month

first floor —> ground floor

they buy breeds cats —> they buy different breeds of cats


lung: 肺

stray cat: 流浪猫

stray dog: 流浪狗

breed: 品种

to be a dog/cat person

manicure: 美甲(手)

pedicure: 美甲 (脚)

massage: 按摩

family portrait: 全家福

cure: the solution/treatment for diseases

walk the dog: 遛狗

unisex: 男女通用 adj.

style: 款式

standard size: 标准码

Stella McCartney

collab: collaboration – to collaborate

Ex: Adidas is collaborating with Stella McCartney.

Adidas is doing a collab with Stella McCartney.

low key: 低调

limited edition: 限量版

issue: 期 (杂志)


shot (vaccine shot): sh-哦t

manicure: man-ni-cure