VIP Class Notes (JJ)


It’s hydrangea season: 绣球花季到了

to be in the shade: 为了在阴凉的地方

shade: 阴凉的地方 (in the shade vs. in the sun)

lip balm: 润唇膏

moisturizer: 面霜

toner: 爽肤水

lotion: 乳液

makeup remover: 卸妆

essence: 精华

to break out: 长痘痘

Ex: Sugar makes you break out.

collagen: 胶原蛋白

oxidize: v. 氧化

wrinkles: 皱纹

fine lines: 细纹

fine hair: 细的头发

fine pen: 细的笔尖

genetic: 遗传的

to pop a pimple: 挤痘子

trainer: 教练(健身的)

instructor: 培训师

skincare line/products

antioxidant: 抗氧化物质

exclusive: 独家的

preserve: 保留(某个成分,香味)

reserve: 预定

micro: 微,小的

hydrated: 保湿的


around the edge of my nose

effect: 作用

to be stimulated: to be excited by things around you


Very British Problems