VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

Some years ago —> A few years ago

Now, she is the leader of my former company/she is leading my former company

Writing exercise

About 8 years ago, I worked on a project which was a tvc for a shampoo.
The director is Taiwanese. He is bad-tempered . He always shouts at the staff when he feels unhappy. We shot for 3 days, during this time, he got angry so many times , and he left twice when we was shooting. All the staff and clients waited for him to come back. It’s a very childish behaviour I think , even though he was famous. The producer begged him to stay and to continue the shoot , I thought the best idea was to let him go and change a director, that way, he won’t leave again for the next project.


twice: 两次 (三个以上就可以:number + times)

that way…: 那样的话

to shout at someone

superficial: 虚荣的

to get divorced: 离婚

dowry: 彩礼

materialistic: 物质的

collagen: 胶原蛋白

colleague: 同事

rejected: 被排挤的

Ex: She used to be rejected.

partner: 搭档

former: 前的

to find out: 发现

to do something on purpose: 故意de, purposely

voiceover: 配音

to take something/someone for granted: 感觉什么东西或是人是该的

grounded: 接地气的

the purpose of life: the meaning of life: 活着的意义 *to have purpose in life*

Ex:Some people have no purpose in life.

target: 目标

office building: 写字楼

to file a complaint about something/someone: 投诉某人或是某个东西

Ex: Her ex-coworker filed a complaint about her.

ungrateful: 不感恩的,忘恩负义的

toxic: 有毒的 (物质或是场所,人)

Ex: Working in a toxic environment can be very exhausting.

Speaking exercise

collagen: calla-jen

colleague: call-ee-个


Write about the best shoot that you worked for in your career for and review all the new words and expressions learned today.