VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

Children in China has a lot of pressure —> children in China have a lot of pressure

one friend of my son —> one of my son’s friends

no matter his mother give him what lesson —> no matter what lesson/homework his mother gives him

When it comes food, I either love it or hate it.

When your immune system goes down

They are conflict —>they are fighting against each other

I don’t allergic —> I am not allergic/ I don’t have the allergy

I only 10 kg more —> I only gained 10 kg

I like my mom —>I’m like my mom/Similar to my mom

The birth is very quickly —> The birthing process is very quick.


lego: 乐高

mature: 成熟的

neutral: 无所谓的,someone who doesn’t have an opinion on something

Ex: Astrid is/feels neutral about jumping rope.

I either ____ or _____.

sashimi: 生鱼片

texture: 口感,触感

mild spicy: 微辣

pimples, breakouts: 长痘痘

humidity: 湿度

lukewarm: 温的

mutual: 互相的

cookies and cream  (ice cream flavor)

sea salt caramel: 焦糖海盐

pho: 河粉

vermicelli: 米线/米粉 rice noodles

Vietnamese: 越南的

nauseous: 恶心,想吐

Ex: I always felt nauseous when I was pregnant.

broth: 汤底

soup: 汤

immune system: 抵抗力

allergic: 过敏的 (allergic to ___: 对什么东西过敏)

Ex: JJ is allergic to some kind of sea vegetable.

allergy: 过敏

nosebleed: 流鼻血

genetic: 遗传

to rub: 揉

to throw up/to vomit: 吐

energetic: 有精神的,精神好的


neutral: sounds like “mutual”

mature: ma-chuuure

nauseous: 闹-tious

sour: sa-ourrrr

immune: eee-mune

allergic: ah-ler-gic