VIP Class Notes (JJ)


therapist: 心理咨询师

what is your current role: 你现在的职位是什么?

role: 职位

what’s your favorite part of your job? 你最喜欢你的工作的哪一个部分?

define: 定义

what’s your least favorite of your job?

least favorite: 最不喜欢的

broccoli: 西兰花

cauliflower: 花菜

texture: 口感

taste: 口味

stubborn: 倔强的

Ex: JJ used to be very stubborn as a child.

eggplant: 茄子

one hour and a half: 一个半小时

wash up: 洗刷

dress up: 穿衣服

because I have matured: 以为我变成熟了

mature: 成熟的

to put oneself in one’s shoes: 从某个人的角度想问题

to affect: 影响

variations: 不同种类的

capsule: 胶囊

ritual: 仪式

Ex: Sherry’s morning ritual includes making her first cup of latte.

lactose intolerant: 乳糖不耐

toss: 丢

envious: 羡慕 (adj)

Ex: Sherry is envious of JJ’s work schedule

envy: 羡慕(verb)

Ex: Sherry envies JJ’s work schedule.

I envy JJ’s work schedule.

exclusive: 排外的

hierarchy: 社会等级 social status

lose weight: 减重

cardio: 有氧运动

energetic: 有活力,有精神的 (someone who has energy)

protein: 蛋白质

demand: 需求


secretary: SE-kreee-terry

analyze: AH-na-liiiiiiize

schedule: ske-juuual

Speaking exercise

how to definite the price —> how to define the price

I responsible for checking the sales data —> I am responsible for checking the sales data

to analytics —> to analyze 

some channels are efficiency —> some channels are efficient 

marketing fees —> marketing expenses

I most like marketing research —> I like market research the most

when I was wake up —> when I wake up

of course I will do my wash —> of course I will wash up

you can think in his feet —> you can put yourself in his shoes



I like/love ________ the most.

Ex: I like the grapes the most.

I like broccoli the most.

I hate _____ the most.

Ex: JJ hates birds the most.