VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

In the next half of the year —> in the second half of the year

according to her looking —> according to her appearance/judging by her appearance

be kicked out of the program

to sell by persuasion

to be a persuasive salesperson


persuasion: 说服力

persuasive: 有说服力的

Ex: Stefanie is taking an intensive course to become a persuasive salesperson.

to read someone: 读心,看懂一个人,察言观色

to stop the bleeding:止血

hair perm: 烫头发

hair gel: 发胶

Master’s degree: 研究生学历

arrogant: 傲慢的

unapproachable: 不容易接近的

distant: 感觉有距离的

Ex:I feel that she is very distant.

inauthentic: 不真诚,不真实的


Ex: Stefanie’s classmate feels that she is superior to all the other people in the class.

inferior: 比别人低一等的

sense of entitlement: 优越感

Ex: She has a sense of entitlement.

entitled: 有优越感的

Ex: She is entitled.

daoism: 道德经

unethical: 没有道德的


main job: 主页

part-time job

freelance work

“Asian don’t raisin”


mango: men-go
