VIP Class Notes (JJ)

2 truths and a lie:


I speak French/I am fluent in French.

I can put my foot behind my head. 

I have never been to Europe. 


I go swimming everyday.

I always play games with my classmates.

I read history books everyday for two hours. 

Speaking exercise

How tall are you?

Do you go to yoga classes often?

in the weekends —-> on the weekends

there are only 15 we can go there —-> there are only 15 spots 

we have many homework —> we have a lot of homework

they are bigger than me —> they are older than me



Ming dynasty: 明朝

Song dynasty: 宋朝

Competition: 比赛

Rest: 休息

Guardian: 看管人

Parent teacher conference: 家长会

Sashimi: 刺身

Uni: 海胆

Salmon: 三文鱼

Okra: 秋葵

Overcooked: 煮的过头了