VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

VIP sector in public hospitals —> VIP section in public hospitals

It’s just like a test —> It’s trial and error

private clinical —> private clinic

mental therapist —> mental health therapist/psychotherapist


trial and error: 试错

to lose one’s train of thought: to forget what one was talking about

Ex: Kit lost her train of thought during the online conference with her big boss.

companionship: 陪伴

affectionate: 充满爱意的

Strive to be better

we compliment each other


hype: when something is very trendy and popular

Ex: That restaurant really didn’t live up to the hype.

live authentically:

You live authentically and you don’t try to follow trends.



“I” statements

athleisure: 休闲体育装

to vent: 吐槽


live: *similar to lift* (do not confuse with “leave”)

*Continue the questions from Section 3. No 5.*