VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

How long have you the bird —> How long have you had the bird?

Do you do yoga —> do you practice yoga?

I learned the flute since when I’m in the 幼儿园 —> I learned the flute since I’m in kindergarden

we want to call she 智障 —> we want to call her “retarded”

handsome kiwis —> good-looking kiwis

it can kill all the zombies in one line —> it can kill all the zombies all at once


flexible: 有弹性的

humble: 谦虚的

Chinese calligraphy: 书法

focused: 集中精力的

Ex: William is very focused in Chinese calligraphy class.

Down’s syndrome: 昂视综合症

One stone two birds: 一石二鸟

stick: 棒子


all at once: 一次全部

poisonous: 有毒的