VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

common words to talk about —> common topics to talk about

she is not support me —> she doesn’t support me/she isn’t supportive of …

fewer oil —> less oil

they have been hurted —> they have been hurt 

many psychologists lie you —> many psychologists lie to you

you can just give tips they thought never thought of it —> you can just give tips they never thought of/about

if I want to talk some deeply things —> if I want to discuss deeper/more meaningful topics


expressions: 成语, idioms

MSG: 味精,添加剂

countryside: 乡下

suburbs: 郊区

suburban: 郊区的

outskirts: 郊区

zodiac: 星座

Taurus: 金牛座

Capricorn: 摩羯座

Aquarius: 水瓶座

Pisces: 双鱼座

intuition: 直觉

self-fulfilling prophecy: 心理暗示 ,自我满足自己的猜想

astrology: the study of stars

mental state: 心理状态

self-help: 自我解救


zodiac: ZO-diac