VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

Tom and Jerry

There’s a work, they need to find a work. First, the cat pretends he is blind and play the piano so many people give him many money. And the mouse see him and the mouse wants to interrupt but the cat use his finger to push the mouse. Many people see and say: How magical! The mouse take the money away and the people know the cat is not blind. Then the cat is homeless and the cat lives in the box. The mouse lives in the hotel. The staff want to catch the mouse and the mouse is always stealing the things in the hotel. The mouse steal a diamond ring from the hotel.


They need to find a job. First the cat pretends he is blind and plays the piano so many people gave him money. And the mouse sees him and the mouse wants to interrupt but the cat uses his finger to push the mouse. Many people saw the said: How magical! The mouse took the money away and the people realized/found out the cat was not blind. Then the cat became homeless and the cat ended up living in a box. The mouse ended up living in a hotel. The staff wanted to catch the mouse and the mouse was stealing the things from the hotel. The mouse stole a diamond ring from the hotel.


homeless: 无家可归

Ex: Tom became homeless after people realized that he was not blind.

staff: 工作人员

discover: 发现

steal: 偷

diamond ring: 钻戒

beggar: 乞丐

cherry blossom: 樱花

numbing: 感觉麻木的


steal —> stole (past tense)