VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

It takes one hour by subway —> The commute is an hour/The commute is an hour long

when I wake up, it’s still ten —> My alarm goes off at 8:30AM but I still wake up at 10AM.

wake up my head —> awaken my mind


alarm: ah-LARM

swipe: sw-Y-pe (do not confuse with “sweep” 扫地)

live stream: live s-TREE-m (do not confuse with “steam” 蒸气)

cleansing: kl--zing


commute: 路程(名词或动词)

Ex: The commute to work is an hour.  (noun)

I commute to work everyday and it takes me an hour to get there. (verb)

go off: 任何警铃响起

Ex: Last night, the fire alarm in my building accidentally went off.

alarm clock: 闹铃

wake up: 起床 (你自己会做的)

awaken: 使得清醒,唤醒

woke adj. 思路非常清晰的

increase: 增长

juice cleanse: 果汁排毒法/清肠法

cleanse the mind/soul: 洗涤思想/灵魂

Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport