VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Today we focused on:

Preparation for interviews


official transcript: 正式成绩单

Review of Resume:

Responsible for independently handling (…)

more than ten litigation cases including disputes regarding commercial contracts, large-scale labor, trademark infringement, product quality, reputation, etc

participated in merger and acquisition projects

Experienced in providing legal opinions to clients, determining, etc

handled internal general corporate issues for companies in various/diverse industries such as dairy, medicine, automobile, logistics, airline, private equity funds, etc.

Experienced in …/Took charge of providing FDI& (…)

Project Experience (past tense for previous work experience)

Independently represented (…) Instructed and assisted the company, etc *change all verbs to past tense

(…) when the infringement fact and relevant evidence was clearly unfavorable to us/presented itself as unfavorable to us.

Speaking exercise

We are represent for the acquired company —> We are representing the acquiring company

We have to check the due diligence for the history … —> We have to ensure to conduct a background check for this company including its history and financial situation

They have to pay a large number of liquidated damages —> They have to pay a large sum for breaching the contract

The current shareholder is three —> There are 3 shareholders

The shareholder that has 5% of the shareholdings —> The shareholder who owns 5% of the shares 

It might make the procedure more simple —> It would simply the procedure

We are still waiting for the —> The current case is pending