VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

When my son just does some homework, the dog just lies in the floor.


When my son was doing some homework, the dog just lied on the floor. 


hypochondriac: someone who always thinks he/she is sick even though they are not

germophobe: adj. 有洁癖的人

-phobic adj.

phobia: n. 恐惧症

claustrophobia: n. 狭小空间恐惧症

Cyberphobia: fear of computers

Curls: 卷毛

Piss someone off: 惹毛他人

Pissed adj.: 很不爽,被惹毛了

Dogsit: when you are babysitting other dogs

Dogsitter: when you are the babysitter for other dogs


Corgi – cor-guEE