VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise


Instagram feed: IG的个人主页

catch up: 叙旧

catch up with someone

friendzone: when you only like someone as a friend and they might like you MORE than just a friend

Ex: Stella friendzoned her friend from middle school because she is not interested in him.

outcome: result, 结局

cockblock: 两个人正激烈的时候来个刹车或煞风景的事情

Ex: Stella did not try to cockblock her friend from middle school.

intentional: 故意的

unintentional: 无意的

conversationalist: 聊天的人

Ex:Stella’s friend from middle school is a very good conversationalist.

coincidence: 巧遇,巧合

Ex: It was a coincidence that Stella connected with 黄思佳 on Instagram.

elevator: 直达电梯

escalator: 扶手电梯

envy someone: 羡慕某人

Ex: Stella’s friend envies her.

elementary/primary school: 小学

horoscope sign: 星座

Ex:YJ and Stella have the same horoscope sign.

arcade games: 游戏机房的游戏

arcade: 游戏机房

family gathering: 家庭聚会

equipment: 设备

suggestion: 提议,有选项的(where to go eat, where to go have fun)

advice: 意见 (what you should do in this situation)