VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

A boy wants a pet but doesn’t know which pet to get.


pet: 宠物

Ex: Clark wants a pet and he wants a cat.

goldfish: 金鱼

swim: 游泳的

swim too much: 游泳游太多了

sleep too much: 睡太多了

hamster: 仓鼠

they stay inside too much: 他们在笼子里面/里面太久了

play outside: 在外面玩耍

Ex: Sam wants a pet that can play outside, like a dog.

animal shelter: 动物收容所

too big: 太大了

Ex: The first dog that Sam wanted was too big.

Lucky misses his family: Lucky 想念它的家人

They were moving and couldn’t take him along: 他们搬家所以没有办法带上 Lucky.

dog treats: 给狗狗的食物

feed: 喂

Ex: Sam has to feed Lucky twice a day.

take care of something/someone: 照顾某个东西/某个人

Ex: Sam has to take care of Lucky.

collar: 颈圈 (狗狗戴在脖子上的)

leash: 牵狗狗的绳子

Snow day: 下大雪的一天(通常不用上课)

pancakes: 松饼

warm clothes: 暖和的衣服

snowman: 雪人

snowball fight: 打雪仗

build a snowman: 堆雪人

bottom: 下面的

middle: 中间的

head: 头