VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I want to make my hair more smooth. I cut it before and then it longer.


I want to make my hair smoother/softer/I want to get a hair treatment. I cut it before and then it grew out. 


trim: 修建

manicure: 美甲

transparent: clear, 透明的

silver: 银的

high maintenance: 很难搞,要求很多

Ex: Short hair is actually very high maintenance.

low maintenance: 不难搞,要求不多

length: 长度

maintain/handle: 维持

pull off: 驾驭

Ex: I don’t think I can pull off long wavy hair.

dye: 染

beige: 米色

ash blonde: 灰金色/冷金色

show affection: 表达爱意


Reflect on your 2020 and think about your goals for 2021. Write about it or let’s discuss it next class.