VIP Class Notes (JJ)


entertainment industry: 娱乐行业,娱乐圈

distract: 让人分散注意力

Ex: Stop distracting me, I’m trying to finish my paper!

distracting: 让人分散注意力的

hand sanitizer: 消毒手的液体

pessimistic: adj 悲观的

pessimism: n.

pessimist: n. 悲观主义者

perfectionist: n. 完美主义者

optimistic: 乐观

optimist: 乐观主义者

taboo: something people don’t want to talk about

plot twist: 剧情反转

anxious: 焦虑的

anxiety: 焦虑症

bail: 放鸽子

Ex: Sandra bailed on Max 30 min before their first date.

conspiracy theory: 阴谋理论

immoral: 不人道的

vaccine: 疫苗

frontline workers: 前线的工作人员

contaminated: 被传染的

contaminate: 传染

contagious: 可传染的

health code: 健康码

approve: 认可,赞同

have someone’s best interest in mind: 为某人的利益找想

Ex: Annie’s HR doesn’t have her best interest in mind.