VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W / S]


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Use the words from today to write a story! Don’t be silly! Write it seriously.

Writing exercise

Inception is a very good movie. it’s talk about dreams. When we normally sleep and dream, the dream is called the first step dream and when you dream in the first step dream you will go into the 2nd step dream then if you dream in the 2nd step dream you will go into the 3rd step dream, and then if you dream in the 3rd step dream you will go into a place and you will be lost. The only way to get out of the dream is to have a kick or die in the dream.

Inception is a very good movie which talks / is about dreams. When we normally sleep and dream, the dream is called the first step dream and when you dream in the first step dream you will go into the 2nd step dream then if you dream in the 2nd step dream you will go into the 3rd step dream, and then if you dream in the 3rd step dream you will go into a place and you will be lost / go into limbo. The only way to get out of the dream is to have a kick or die in the dream.

Speaking exercise

A group of people wanted to steal something from a Japanese man but he found out he was in a dream, not in reality. So, the group of people were defeated but the Japanese man thought the group were very good at inception. He gave them a job to get his competitor boss’ son to break the company so the Japanese man could be the world’s number 1 company, and he promised the leader of the group that if he makes it he can see his kids who are in America. So, first they find another girl from the leader’s father who is also very good at building.


architect – sb who designs buildings

competitor – dui shou

van – a big car

limbo – in the middle / between everything

prune – dried plum
prune – trim / cut

desert – hot dry place
desert – leave you alone

grouse – complain

bass – low sound
bass – type of fish

sewer – a person who sews
sewer – a pipe under the ground

vehicle – something you drive to get places like a car or bike

crouch – walk slowly and carefully, lower than normal

crawl / prone – lie on the ground to move

loot – to open a box to get something you want from it
eg. I looted the body after I killed him
eg2. I got lots of loot this game