VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise


There are eight great houses in the mainland of Westeros including Baratheon, Stark, Arryn of the Eyrie, Tully, Greyjoy, Lannister of Casterly Rock, Tyrell and Martell.
House Targaryen used to rule as the kings on the Iron Throne and as the Great House of the crownlands for nearly three hundred years. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen abducted Ned Stark’s sister Lyanna who was supposed to be the fiancée of Robert Baratheon, which caused the rebellion of house Stark, Baratheon and Arryn. Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon in the battle of the Trident and his younger brother Viserys and little sister Daenerys fleed to Essos after the rebellion.
House Stark is a royal family who protects the whole north of Westeros. Ned Stark was the lord of the Stark whose wife was Catlyn Tully, who should be married to Ned’s older brother Brandon Stark burned alive by Mad King of Targaryen. Ned was the best friend of King Robert and later became Hand of the king. He was captured for treason and was sentenced to death by Joffery. His head was severed from the body and was impaled on a spike as an insultant.


There are eight great houses in the mainland of Westeros including Baratheon, Stark, Arryn of the Eyrie, Tully, Greyjoy, Lannister of Casterly Rock, Tyrell and Martell.
House Targaryen used to rule as the kings on the Iron Throne and as the Great House of the crownlands for nearly three hundred years. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen abducted Ned Stark’s sister Lyanna who was supposed to be the fiancée of Robert Baratheon, which caused the rebellion of house Stark, Baratheon and Arryn. Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon in the battle of the Trident and his younger brother Viserys and little sister Daenerys fled to Essos after the rebellion.
House Stark is a royal family that protects the whole north of Westeros. Ned Stark was the lord of the Starks whose wife was Catlyn Tully, who should be married to Ned’s older brother Brandon Stark who was burned alive by Mad King of Targaryen. Ned was the best friend of King Robert, later becoming Hand of the king and was captured for treason and was sentenced to death by Joffery. His head was severed from the body and was impaled on a spike as an insult to the family.


plagiarise / plagiarism – to copy sth but claim that it is your original work
eg. she plagiarised the work by copying it from the internet

assault – attack directly
eg. they assaulted the castle after sieging it for a few weeks

fleet – a group of ships (boats / spaceships)

denounce – to talk negatively publicly about sb
eg. i denounce your actions and declare war

eg. commit suicide

dissuade < > persuade

pledge – promise / give / offer
eg. I pledge my loyalty and support to you and your family

sully – to ruin / dirty sth
eg. those sheets are sullied

divert – to turn away from the original destination
eg. I divert power from the shields to power the engines so I can escape the alien attackers

ambush – to sneakily attack sb in secret
eg. they ambushed our troops while on the road to the castle