VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Today we focused on:

reviewed writing and talked a lot about ways to remember and connect words (like: definite / certain / define / certificate / quality / qualify)

Writing exercise

Write an article-what are you nostalgic about and why
Technology has changed the world that we live in, it has made our life easier and better. Even so, I feel nostalgic when I’m listening old music and watching TV ,who is reading a letter to someone. Nowadays , we communicate via online with someone more than meet offline. People use emoji to represent their feelings. It’s simple and fast , but sometimes feel perfunctory(…).once upon a time , when I wrote letter to a friend , at that time we also have a pure pen pal.
I tried my best to put my all true words on the paper. Hope she/he felt it when read it. I also expected the reply , how and when the letter reached to me.
Even now , however we have a real-time() communication with freiends, I prefer to make an appointment to meet them, or send a letter when I send a gift to them .

Write an article-what are you nostalgic about and why
Technology has changed the world that we live in (which is happening really quickly) and it has made our lives easier and better. Even so, I feel nostalgic when I’m listening to old music and watching someone on TV, who is reading a letter to someone. Nowadays , we communicate via online with someone more than meeting / we meet offline. People use emoji to represent their feelings. It’s simple and fast , but sometimes feel superficial / hollow / meaningless. Once / one time, when I wrote letter to a friend , at that time we also have a pure pen pal.
I tried my best to put my all true words on the paper. I hope she/he felt it when they read it / when reading it. I also looked forward to the reply , however and whenever the letter reached to me.
Even though we are in constant contact / we are able to contact friend whenever and however we want, I prefer to make an appointment to meet them, or send a letter when I send a gift to them.


constant / continuous 
eg. I have a constant headache
eg2. I constantly forget your birthday

even though / although = sui ran
eg. Even though I am sick, I still come to work

however / although = but
eg. I was sick. However, now I’m OK
eg2. I was sick. Although, I’m ok now.
however = whatever way
eg. However you do your homework, I will be happy. = whatever way you do your homework is fine.

you can do it whenever you like
you can meet whoever you want

expected = I think it will / should happen
eg. I expect it to rain tonight
eg2. I expect my students to do their homework

looking forward = excited / happy about a future event
eg. I’m looking forward to my holiday


go to work
get to work
arrive at work
reach work