VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

1.Strengthen your sales skills
Listen sincerely to others and understand their needs, desires, fears and frustrations. Understand what customers and coworkers expect from what you are offering.

2.Exercise communication skills
Communication skills may help you in any professional area, and may even benefit your personal life as well. How you communicate can affect the first impression that others have of you. Be empathetic towards others. Put yourself in that person’s place and think about what you might want.

3.Work on interpersonal skills
The ability to get along with others and work collaboratively is a critical part of any business. You can ask a trusted colleague to give you feedback on your personal skills.

4.Learn leadership skills
Put the needs of others and the needs of company ahead of your own needs , and practice informed decision-making skills.

5.Practice networking
Networking is an efficient way to build and expand on professional relationships. Attend networking events in your field and consider any get-together through your work. Be open, friendly and honest at all times. This will help you to come across a person others want to work with. Follow up the contacts you made and keep connection with them.

6.Be self-motivated
You need to summon the strength and responsibilities to be your own motivator, coming up with new ideas and keep on schedule at all times.

7.Make goals
Goals which are beneficial and attainable are important to better yourself, both in your personal and professional life. They give you something to work towards and help fill your work with greater purpose.

Strengthen your professional knowledge of the industry and clients. Understand their methods, processes, and ways of attracting customers.


booth – an area setup for meeting clients at events

i just went back to the room and crashed 

sorry? – normal
pardon me? / excuse me? – formal + can be strong

cooperate – to work together
collaborate – adding creativity / ideas to make something to finish sth

contact – simply communicating with the person (talk / email / call / meet)
connect – has an emotional / understand component (talk / email / call / meet) \

innovate – coming up with new ideas
eg. I always try to innovate instead of copying other